2DVVI and the creation of the geo-nation

I advocate in discussions that globalisation is a fact which nations should to take advantage of and realise its potential instead by adopting global strategies rather than treating it with fear and defensive regulations.
Immigration is an integral part of globalisation so events like Brexit bring under the spotlight the difficulty that the average person has, to balance the benefits it brings versus its side effects and the inability of the politicians to educate them by presenting all the facts.

For example, internal migration from the rural areas to the cities is by far higher than country to country migration and this is a fact. People will start their migration journeys driven by the economic benefits they expect to find but equally important is security, stability, the life-style, as well as how they perceive the future. This is and will continue happening irrespectively of distances or borders in between. The fight between nationalism, isolationism, protectionism etc. in all their manifestations is lost to immigration before it even begins.

There is no stopping it. Information spread, institutional osmosis, life style trends, education, raw materials, energy sources, cheaper labour, fertile lands, droughts, wars, overpopulation, Statesmen ambitions, geopolitics, the hope of a better life ….will always drive people and businesses to migrate. It is an unstoppable phenomenon that will continue no matter what and we better take advantage of it rather than try to fight it.

Multicultural and multinational societies is a fact of life that will persist and expand in the future until we all are one society.
There are already nations that find themselves in both ends of the spectrum, with some of them having the majority of their population leaving abroad and several others whereby the vast majority of their population is of foreign origin.
That brings us to what I want to discuss about today.

With Ethnic interbreeding eroding the notion of ethnicity constantly across large parts of the world, nationality is what characterise most of us.

Nationality that is constituted by our belief system that in its turn influences the institutions you serve wherever we reside and is influenced by our adopted home environment.
In this sense while not “pure”, as of those never left the country of origin, it is strong enough to characterise you, to link you with strong bonds with the land of your origin. It is a sense that overtime and generation after generation is assimilated by the institutions of the land you reside but is never actually lost.
If you are an immigrant think how much more you tend to favour relationships on a personal and business level with people from your country of origin.

With the businesses we create being an extension of ourselves, it is no coincidence that we tend to favour partnerships with people sharing our belief system if given multiple options to choose between.
Italian, Jewish, Kurdish, Armenian, Iranian, Greek, Chinese, Japanese, Indian.... immigrant nationality after nationality project the same behavioural patterns.

In parallel to this, seemingly gone unnoticed fact in international trade literature the number of regional trade agreements have reached a new height approaching 300 fast (http://econ.st/1Lyl2QT).
You do not have to be an institutional analyst to realise that a global free-trade agreement will be the next step. All economists agree on that even if there are those voicing concerns “ ...As trade deals wade into complex regulatory waters, it is far harder to gauge their impact “, even if these go as far as addressing its financial effectiveness and ignoring its socio-economic one.

And then we have techno-methodological breakthroughs like 2DVVI (http://bit.ly/2acZnMV) a concept that made transaction-free trade a reality and which:

makes the location of any business an irrelevant factor by allowing legally the ecosystems that are created by the virtual integration of supply chains to co-exist in different trade-free regions simultaneously makes the location of the ecosystem as a whole a matter of choice rather than a matter of registration
it allows the creation of closed loop or open loop supply chains on demand allowing finance to cross borders spreading through supply chains and any company taking advantage of finance schemes in other countries Now combine all three facts together and tell me for what reason any country:

should import or export globally through third parties that do not belong to its nationals or it does not control itself would not chose to reduce the prices of the products or services it uses or are used by its citizens

will want to offer incentives to businesses only within its borders when it can do that globally and in a targeted way in order to reduce its I/E deficit cannot earn “taxes” from businesses registered in other countries in order to increase its GDP and the amount of taxes it receives ….
It is only a matter of will for any country to transform itself into a geo-nation, a nation that extend as far as its last national resides, a nation that expands its policy globally, that can export products and services that does not produce, a nation that welcomes any citizen of any country to become its virtual or active citizen and a nation that transformed the notion of immigration into a must serve notion. The notion of the state confined and defined by its borders has reached to end even if its citizens do not realise it yet.